Photograph: Smartphone and ball-pen on keyboard

We'll be glad to help you ...

Specialised in ship-related equipment the below-mentioned contact persons will be pleased to answer your questions.

A complete list of all addresses, numbers and contact persons at SI BeNeLux and Steinbach Ingenieurtechnik is available under Contact.

Photograph: Dipl.-Ing. Jörg Steinbach
Jörg Steinbach, Dipl.-Ing.
Naval Architect, Managing Director
Phone:+49 4541 80261-11
Mobile:+49 171 14 70 74 4
Photograph: Thomas Pflauger
Thomas Pflauger
Sales Manager Marine
Phone:+49 4541 80261-19

Office Hours

Monday - Thursday
07:45 - 16:45

07:45 - 15:00